
Semester 1.


Theoretical fundamentals of Bioethics

Man and nature in the Western history of thinking (ancient, medieval and modern times)

Basics of environment ethics: the morality of natural elements

Basic principles of Bioethics

The beginning of Life – Abortion and the end of Life

Material distribution in health care

The ethics of source distribution. The tragedy of ‘common pasture’

Providing information - informed consent – Euthanasia

Social ecology

The biosocial approach and deep ecology. The Gaia principle

Christian teaching and ecology


Semester 2.


The practice of environmental ethics in environmental law

Medical oath, Genetic Counselling

Technology and responsibility

Topical issues of environmental ethics (philosophy of animal protection, GMOs)

Ethical aspects of intelligence research

Legal aspects of abortion and sterilisation

Ethical aspects of assisted reproduction

Health and disease-related issues

Legal aspects of euthanasia

Social ecology and environmental protection

Contraception, Medical research, Organ transplantation; Hospice